Atlantic Canada

We are here officially now, Edmundston, New Brunswick.

The road climbed up and away from the St. Lawrence, then rolled over gentle hills for the most part for the entire day. Our longest ride in a week in or two, getting close to six hours of pedalling time and well over 7 hours on the road in total.

It was nice to see a 'Welcome to Quebec' sign as well, since it seems that people crossing from Ottawa to Gatineau are not worthy of being welcomed to la Belle Province. All you see crossing the Ottawa river is a small metal sign with the single word, "Quebec".

Our goal for today is to get somewhere in the ballpark of Perth-Andover which will put us in striking distance of Fredericton for tomorrow. By my calculations we have something like 840km of riding left to us, hard to believe how close we are getting. I for one am looking forward to lobster in Halifax though.

Not much more time now, enjoy the week and all that good stuff.
