Type fast low battery

May 12 Unreal. So we have internet and I have a low battery. But the access is in a most awesome place. Currently, we are here:

Kootenay Park Lodge lat 51.02530N lon 115.98053W alt 1278m

Well, not actually right there, if you pull that thing up with google maps or whatever, we're actually parked just on the other side of the highway, there's a little lunching area there. I have access here though.

Access where there is no phone landline and no cell network. The guys at the lodge here have a satellite internet connection and have Vonage for phones, VOIP in the middle of nowhere, quite literally. Highway 93 is one of the more desolate stretches in southern Canada. The "Do you have gas?" sign said no services for about 130km, which was the record thus far.

New high speed record for me today as well: 78km/h according to the computer. That was fun, pretty nice highway descending from the Sinclair pass. Photos from that hill will go up hopefully tomorrow when we stop in the Banff townsite itself.

We've been hitting some good luck with weather since the nastiness of Manning Park, but it looks like that is about to change. Possible snow and highs of 6, time to break out the winter riding gear again.

Unsorted and I haven't calculated it all out (will edit this if my battery doesn't die) but here is the last few days of riding:

Stop location: Outside of boswell

lat 49.50744W
lon 116.78619W
Alt 545m


Stop location: Yahk

lat 49.08024N
lon 116.09980W
alt 871m

22.86km/h avg

Stop location: Cranbrook

lat 49.50143N
lon 115.79488W
Alt 959m

24.43km/h avg

Stop location: Fairmont Hot Springs

lat 50.32549N
lon 115.84386W
alt 980m


Stop location: Kootenay Park Lodge

lat 51.02530N
lon 115.98053W
alt 1278m


Posting now, below 5% battery life.